Thalox Case Studies: Data Driven Customer Insights

How SAM Labs Saved Money by Re-engaging Inactive Contacts

Written by Thalox | Nov 29, 2023 9:57:46 AM

As many companies out there, one of the main challenges SAM Labs has, as Dylan Hendricks states, “is making sure our audience has a clear understanding of what our products do and the problem that they solve”. Getting the word out and making sure that educators know where they fit into their school day.

SAM Labs' message is greatly based on persona, so it’s important to make sure that the message is the correct one in the email campaigns, and that SAM Labs knows who their audience is, and how responsive these contacts will be. 


Maintain a healthy database

“Are we marketing to the best possible people in the database”? Again, like most marketers, Dylan too wants to make sure that the marketing efforts around email marketing are paying off.

Some of their contacts are not valid anymore. There is no cohesive agreement about where these contacts came from in the first place, and in addition to that, some sales reps are afraid to let them go.  Exploring the possibility of re-engaging inactive contacts through targeted campaigns might be a viable strategy.