Thalox Blog | Data-Driven Marketing Insights

Boost Sales Conversion Easily with Thalox and TraitSpotter

Written by Laura Tussi | Aug 1, 2024 1:01:35 PM

We are pleased to announce that Thalox has entered into a strategic partnership with TraitSpotter, a Finnish technology company that helps businesses to drive their sales conversion beyond industry standards.

This collaboration combines our expertise to offer HubSpot-integrated solutions designed to enhance how businesses engage with their audiences and drive sales conversions.

Audience Segmentation + Personality Traits

TraitSpotter excels at analyzing personality traits like extroversion and openness, allowing you to tailor your messages to align with your audience’s natural preferences.

By understanding these traits, TraitSpotter helps you craft messages that resonate deeply and spark genuine interest, leading to higher engagement and better results.


Thalox brings to the table its AI-powered audience segmentation capabilities, which allow businesses to precisely segment their contacts based on engagement scores for more effective marketing.

We aim to offer an upgraded experience through our partnership with TraitSpotter, which analyzes and provides detailed information about contacts for better campaign personalization.



Key Benefits for our customers:

To demonstrate how Thalox and TraitSpotter can work together to enhance your sales conversion, we conducted an experiment combining TraitSpotter's personality traits with Thalox’s engagement-based segments in a nurture campaign. The key findings show that integrating both technologies can deliver:

  • Increased Conversions: The experiment led to increased overall open rates and click-through rates in our email nurture campaigns.

  • Better targeting: Gaining insights into both engagement levels and deeper personality traits of our audience.

  • Personalized Messaging: Delivering messages that resonate on a personal level to foster stronger relationships.

  • Improved Engagement: Building stronger relationships through tailored content.



We’re enthusiastic about the possibilities this collaboration presents and are committed to helping you achieve outstanding results with our combined solutions.

Partnering with TraitSpotter represents a significant advancement in results-driven marketing. By using both Thalox and TraitSpotter in their HubSpot accounts, businesses can leverage Thalox’s precise audience segmentation alongside TraitSpotter’s advanced contact profile details, including personality traits.


On the right: Erwin Arnold, CEO of Thalox. On the left: Tomi Räsänen, Founder of TraitSpotter.



This combination offers a comprehensive view of audience engagement and personality insights. Unlike traditional methods that rely on guesswork, this integration provides data-driven insights that lead to measurable improvements in marketing campaign performance and enhanced sales conversions.