Thalox Knowledge Base


Written by Erwin Arnold | Feb 22, 2024 1:10:06 PM


Prediction refers to the output of an algorithm after it has been trained on a historical dataset and applied to new data when forecasting the likelihood of a particular outcome. Within thalox this is the likeliness of clicking for the next campaign or e-mail.


Thalox Engagement Score

Thalox Engagement Score (TES – abbreviation) is a value between 0,00 to 1,00 which indicates the probability of a contact reacting in your next campaign based on your last prediction.

The higher this value is the more likely it is for a contact to react.


Thalox Engagement Segments

thalox provides four segments, based on the Thalox Engagement Score (TES):

  • Dormant Potential Segment
  • High Engagement Segment
  • Inactive or Indecisive Segment
  • No Acitivty Segment (Under the Statistics Tab)

Inactive or Indecisive Segment is created based on a TES between 0,00 and 0,50.

Dormant Potential Segment is created based on a TES between 0,50 and 0,75.

High Engagement Segment is created based on a TES between 0,75 and 1,00.

Those thresholds are set based on our experience but could be easily adjusted by the customer.


Dormant Potential

Put your marketing focus on this segment and make these contacts high engagers with your brand. Over time these contacts should evolve from the Dormant Potential Segment to the High Engagement Segment.

Recommended actions to handle this segment:
– A/B testing​
– Progressive profiling​
– Polls/Surveys


High Engagement Segment

The contacts in this segment are very engaged with your brand and will engage very likely with your e-mail marketing initiatives. Those segments could be used to test out new messaging.

Recommended actions to handle this segment:
– You are doing great – continue with what you are doing!​
– Loyalty/Reward program​


Inactive or Indecisive Segment

The contacts in this segment are either inactive or indecisive about whether they want to interact with your brand or not.

Our recommendation is to have a closer look into the contacts of this segment and think about maybe deleting some of them. Over time you should develop contacts from the Inactive or Indecisive Segment to the Dormant Potential Segment.

Recommended actions to handle this segment:
– Data cleansing
– (Re)-engagement programs​


No Activity Segment

The contacts in this segment do not have any marketing activity. Push this segment and start engaging with them.