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What can be done with the No Activity Segment?

What can be done with the No Activity Segment?

The No Activity contains all contacts for which no activity was detected during the extraction of the data. This means that these contacts do not fall into Inactive or Indecisive or any of the others.

Marketers should pay close attention to contacts with no activity, as they can significantly impact the sender's reputation. Neglecting these contacts may lead to missed opportunities for engagement and growth. Furthermore, maintaining a clean and active contact list is essential for ensuring cost-effectiveness in HubSpot.

By regularly monitoring and engaging with this segment, marketers can improve deliverability rates, enhance overall campaign performance, and build stronger relationships with their audience. It is crucial to prioritize these contacts and take proactive steps to re-engage them, as they hold potential value for future marketing efforts.

To access the segment and transfer it to your HubSpot instance, please click on the “Statistics” tab for the desired prediction.


What can be done with the no activity segment?


On the right-hand side, you will now see the number of contacts that have been assigned to this segment.

To transfer the segment to HubSpot, please click on the button “Push segment into HubSpot”. A dialog box will open. Please click on the “Push segment” button.

What can be done with the no activity segment - push segments


Once you have received the email notification confirming the completion of the transfer, you can seamlessly navigate to HubSpot by simply clicking on the designated button within the email. From there, you will have the opportunity to delve into your contacts and strategically plan your next steps with precision.

Whether it's reactivating dormant contacts, verifying email addresses for accuracy, or tidying up any bounced or duplicate entries, you have the power to optimize your contact list and enhance your outreach efforts. The possibilities are endless as you take charge of your contact management within the HubSpot platform.

We have the following suggestions for you:
– Send a message specifically to these contacts to see if they can be reactivated.

– Check the email address carefully – maybe they are mostly coming from free email providers like Gmail, Hotmail, etc.

– Check for misspelling email addresses that bounced and duplicate contacts.