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Team members roles

How to change roles or remove team members?- Collaboration

Team member roles define the level of access your team members have.

See below the full description and rights of each role:

Role Description Access rights
Member A member can launch predictions and push results to HubSpot. A member has access to all reporting dashboards and can download reports.
  • Launch predictions
  • View prediction results
  • Push segments to HubSpot
  • View dashboards
  • View team members
  • Download reports
Admin An Admin can do everything a member can do. In addition, an admin can invite team members and manage access rights of the existing team members. Member access rights plus:
  • Manage team members
Account owner There is only one account owner per thalox account. The account owner is the only user that has access to billing details. The account owner is the only user that can transfer account ownership to a different user. Besides that, an admin has the same access rights like an admin. Admin access rights plus: