Audience segmentation is a marketing technique that breaks down your target audience into smaller subgroups, allowing you to send customized messages and form deeper connections.
By understanding what makes your audience unique — like their age, location, and interests — you can create content and email campaigns that directly address their challenges and preferences. This boosts understanding of customer challenges by 60% and awareness of intentions by 130% (NotifyVisitors), leading to better engagement and more conversions.
Now that you understand how important it is for your marketing strategy, let's explore how to improve it.
There are several ways to segment your audience, including traditional methods like demographics, geographics, and behavioral factors. In HubSpot, for example, you can easily apply at least three different techniques to segment your database:
- Buyer Personas
- Contact Lists
- Lead Scoring
While these techniques remain crucial for your marketing strategy, you can enhance your database by relying on AI-powered tools. AI tools introduced the era of AI-driven audience segmentation, offering the opportunity to exceed all objectives and KPIs.
So, how does Thalox fit into this?
AI-powered Audience Segmentation
thalox's automatic audience segmentation divides your contacts into four lists (high engagers, dormant potential, inactive or indecisive, no activity) based on their predictive engagement level with email marketing campaigns.

thalox's Predictions Dashboard
As shown in the image above, thalox's algorithm analyzes your entire database, including contacts' behavior, interaction, and profile characteristics, and sorts your contacts into four segments based on their Thalox Engagement Score (TES) values.
Thalox Engagement Score ranges between 0 to 100%, indicating the probability of a contact reacting to your next email campaign, based on your last prediction. The higher this value is the more likely it is for a contact to react. By default the contacts will be divided by these values:
- High Engagers: these are the contacts scored with a TES from 75% to 100%
- Dormant Potential: TES between 50%-75%
- Inactive or Indecisive: TES 0-50%
- No Activity: the contacts in this segment do not have any marketing activity.
If you disagree with these values, you can adjust them in the Thalox's density graph.
Integrating this information into HubSpot is super easy - just click on "Update Contact Lists in HubSpot". Thalox will effortlessly create four static contact lists, one for each segment. Thalox's Audience Segmentation tool does this automatically, eliminating manual and guesswork. Having this information into your HubSpot portal, can easily enhance, re-engage, and clean your contacts.
Furthermore, since the results are derived from each contact's engagement, you can enhance your campaigns by customising content to suit each contact's level of engagement. This also helps you better understand their journey as customers.
Therefore, thalox is an audience segmentation tool that predicts how likely a contact is to engage with future email campaigns using an AI algorithm. It's delivering consistently updated insights that are highly accurate for marketers. And, best of all, no configuration is necessary!