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Run targeted email campaigns (4/6)

30 days with thalox - run targeted email campaigns
Welcome to our guide on unlocking the full potential of Thalox! This is the fourth article in a series of six. Please click here to see all of them.
Thalox users enjoy 30 days of free unlimited access to all enterprise-level features. The goal of these articles series is to demonstrate how you can fully leverage Thalox's capabilities to boost your email marketing KPIs, convert sales leads, and ultimately increase revenue.

Run targeted email campaigns

 As you read in the previous stage, high engagers are the most likely to engage with your targeted emails and should receive a curated nurturing strategy.

For the other 3 segments, the main goal will be to move them through the funnel and into the high engagement segment, or directly remove them from your database if they present no true potential.

Find inspiration below for how you can run targeted email campaigns for each of your contact segments:


Nurture High Engagers

  • This nurture should include content focused on conversion with phrases such as “Buy now”, “Download here” or “Book call”. Since these contacts are more likely to engage, it's crucial to include specific CTAs to encourage them to actively take the next step.

  • A/B test - This method is effective for comparing different versions of an email to see which one drives more engagement. You can test a subject line with a highly engaged sample group and then send the winning version to the rest of your audience. For each send, test one part of your email, such as the subject line, then CTA, etc.


Nurture Dormant Potential

  • The goal here is to move these contacts into the High Engagers segment and avoid “losing” them to the inactive segment. The content in this stage should be focused on highly engaging content: Webinars, videos, programs... the more visual, the better!

  • A/B test – This is also a good segment for testing messages before sending to inactive contacts. You need to communicate the value of your company here, to really convince these people to engage.


Nurture Inactive or Indecisive Contacts

  • Re-engagement campaigns – Re-engage inactive contacts through special offers and educational content. You need something compelling enough to pique their interest and become active again.

Below you can find an example of a nurture workflow created to re-engage inactive contacts. In this case, the automation is set up to send these contacts a special offer, and if after a determined period of time they haven’t answered, they will receive a follow up email.

Finally, if after these communications the lead still hasn’t engaged, they will be deleted from the database.




In the following workflow, by segmenting your contacts based on their engagement level and a determined buyer persona, you can program content tailored to each profile. They feel seen with your content, making the chance of engagement higher!




  • Check No Activity contacts - It’s important to take a closer look into why these contacts have no marketing activity. You check different features like their marketing status, create date, etc. If you can't find any specific reason, they should be included in marketing email sends.

  • Pro-tip: Use content recommendations
    • You can use content recommendation features such as the Hot Topics Feature, this gives you an idea of the topics the contacts are more likely to engage with based on the list they belong to, basically based on past activity. This feature is based on generative AI—for each segment, in every prediction, we provide the email topics or subject lines that have performed best.

By sending targeted emails based on engagement, you can tailor your content based on each profile and boost the main objective... increasing your clickthrough rate!

If you target your emails correctly, you can obtain up to three times the results!

As a marketing professional, you know sales and marketing must align for success. Discover how Thalox can enhance your sales potential in the next article.