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Interpret your database results (2/6)

30 days with thalox - interpret your database results
Welcome to our guide on unlocking the full potential of Thalox! This is the second article in a series of six. Please click here to see all of them.
Thalox users enjoy 30 days of free unlimited access to all enterprise-level features. The goal of these articles series is to demonstrate how you can fully leverage Thalox's capabilities to boost your email marketing KPIs, convert sales leads, and ultimately increase revenue.

Interpret your database results

In this stage, it’s important not only to understand the results of your prediction, but also to push these results to HubSpot to keep your CRM updated and measure your activity effectively.

1. Pie Chart

Based on the Thalox Engagement Score (TES), your database is divided into four different engagement levels:


  • High Engagers: This segment consists of those contacts who are already engaged and are highly likely to interact with your marketing communications. They have a TES score between 75% and 100%.
  • Dormant Potential: These contacts aren’t engaged leads, but with an effective marketing approach, they have a high chance of moving into High Engagers. Their TES score is between 50% and 75%.
  • Inactive or Indecisive: These contacts have a score between 0% and 50%. There may be leads you should consider removing from your database if their engagement is low, and others that will move into the Dormant Potential category over time with the correct marketing actions.
  • No Activity: This segment consists of contacts that need to be engaged with as they have demonstrated no marketing activity.

2. Push results to HubSpot

Four contact lists will be created in your HubSpot portal.

Please note that in these lists, all your contacts with logged marketing activities are included (contacts with no marketing activity are stored in the “No Activity” list).

Even though the lists are static (they don’t update automatically), they will be updated every time a new prediction is run, and new lists are pushed to HubSpot.

These lists will be stored in a dedicated folder in HubSpot, named “thalox”. This will help your marketing team easily locate and manage the lists.


3. Density Chart

The Density chart tells you the number of contacts you have in each score. Based on the density, you can steer your focus to a certain level of engagement.

See a useful example below:

  • One focus should be on the inactive peak – As you can see, a lot of contacts have a bit more than 10% TES, which is a very low score. For these contacts, it’s important to consider re-engagement campaigns or even deleting them from your database.
  • Another focus should be to work on the peak of 92% TES, which is a very high score indicating high engagement. These highly-engaged leads can be added to a down-funnel sales sequence.
  • Want to know more? Find more examples here



4. Thalox Engagement Score

The contact lists are based on the Thalox Engagement Score. This score is assigned to each contact according to their likelihood of engaging with email marketing campaigns in the future. You can push this score to HubSpot, and it will create a custom property to store this value.


Now that your contacts have an associated TES score and you have an overview of your contacts’ engagement, it’s time to create targeted lists!