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Create targeted lists (3/6)

Targeted lists using Thalox

Welcome to our guide on unlocking the full potential of Thalox! This is the third article in a series of six. Please click here to see all of them.
Thalox users enjoy 30 days of free unlimited access to all enterprise-level features. The goal of these articles series is to demonstrate how you can fully leverage Thalox's capabilities to boost your email marketing KPIs, convert sales leads, and ultimately increase revenue.

Create Targeted Lists

You’ve run your first prediction, you’ve analyzed and pushed your results to HubSpot...Now, you need to define your Ideal Customer Profile or Buyer Persona. In HubSpot, this will effectively be a curated list of all the relevant data used to piece together a vision of your users.

In this stage, you can filter by custom criteria or by Lifecycle Stage.

There are three ways you can implement this:

  1. Create active lists for each segment, such as “Active High Engagers”. In this list, you can add the original thalox list, as well as all the remaining criteria for the contacts you want to target (country, job title, industry, etc.)

    Active lists in HubSpot automatically update their members based on certain criteria. This criteria is selected manually and gives you an up-to-date, filtered contact list.  To create an active list:

    - Navigate in your CRM to Lists

    -Select the “Create List” button at the top right of the page

    -When configuring your list (contact/data-based, name, etc.) select active list.

  2. If these lists already exist, simply add the thalox lists to them with the filter “List membership”. Remember to always have separate lists for the three different engagement levels, so you’ll have your target customer + high engagers, dormant potential, and inactive or indecisive.


  3. You can also choose to use the original lists and create exclusion lists for your email marketing campaigns (i.e.: a list excluding all unqualified leads and non-marketing leads).

Great job! Make sure you include profile criteria such as job title or lead source as shown in the example above. This will help you create segments that accurately represent the buyer persona profile you aim to target and essentially improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
With proper segmentation and targeting, you’ll now be able to exploit your HubSpot database to the max via email marketing.


Create your first email campaign based on engagement

While the main goal of your first email marketing campaign is to target leads based on their engagement level and ICP (ideal customer profile), we suggest starting with a campaign using engagement segments.

Why? This will help you observe how different engagement levels affect how contacts receive and interact with the same message, impacting open and click-through rates.

If you’re not sure where to start, we’re here to help. See below for a detailed description of how to organize your first campaign:

  • Take your next newsletter email and clone it 3 times. The content can be the same.

  • To identify each email easily, add the prefix to the email name: HE (High Engagers), DP (Dormant Potential), IN (Inactive or Indecisive), for easy identification.

  • Add previously created lists to each of the correspondent emails.

  • Monitor the results during the next 3 days. You'll see how the high engagers segment has a higher open rate than the other groups!


The results from this stage will give you a good idea of next steps for your subsequent email campaigns.  Without this first trial and observing the results, you may not have a clear idea of the actions and behaviors of your database. Your first email campaign sets the stage for all campaigns that follow!

Okay, now that you have your lists sorted, it's time to run your targeted email campaigns.